Soroll a la uni
Once upon a time, while we were critikeiting at de bibliotec. And the repenting, a palet begins to piquet the "façana". The sorroll was horribileizing, people aglomereizing behind the warning cartel, looking amazing at the palet like a gorila in the zoo.
The palet piking que te piking in the etseib, and he touching the colloni without leave us study. Was the situation an excuse to work nothing that morning.
markus i ^eMMa^
Etiquetes de comentaris: biblioteca, etseib, soroll
2 Comentaris
comentat per Unknown, 12:35 p. m.
i think you need english lessons my friend.
comentat per 3:40 p. m.
putus paleeetes...i putu soroll!!
per si no fos prou dificil concentrarse la mandra k fa estudiar..a sobre thi posen musica de fons ¬¬
pero b, ja ens hi podem anar akustumant..que en tenen per anys..
potser el dia de l'entrega del projecte de final de curs..llavors el silenci tornara a regnar. kin remei..
enga petonetss
p.D: suuuuper english!!